Recently you may have read in our weekly newsletter or seen on our website that we've teamed up with Alpha Plus to support them in their recruitment. Their motto is ‘the gold standard in education’ and they strive for the very best standards across all their schools.
Recently, whilst at one of their meetings , the discussion turned to how to recruit a good Deputy Head and whether Psychometric tests should be used in education the same way they are in business? Are psychometric tests relevant for managerial roles within schools or can Heads and Governors spot a good candidate anyway? Is the best Deputy for a school one who is similar to the Heads in their aspirations and personality or should they be different so that the school have different management styles to offer their staff?
From my experience a good Deputy has to be one that can act as the ‘jam in the sandwich’. This is one of the hardest roles in a school. You have to straddle both the Senior Management Team and the rest of the staff with ease. Your role is to make the staff understand why they have to undertake the things they are asked to do and keep them gelled together. Even when you disagree with what the senior management team decide you must not let your personal opinions get in the way and you have to deliver. For this reason alone I think a Deputy and a Head have to think in the same way and have the same goals for a school. Otherwise it is a ‘marriage that will end in divorce!’
Tell me what you think makes a good Deputy? What are the highs of the post? Should schools use Psychometric tests to help select staff?
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